MaxPass Biliary Balloon Dilator
MaxPass Biliary Balloon Dilator
Single-use Olympus MaxPass Biliary Balloon Dilators enable easy and reliable bile duct stricture dilation. The balloon features wide inflation lumens making deflation time remarkably short, eliminating the need to pause the procedure until the balloon is fully deflated, minimizing idle time prior to withdrawal. MaxPass is available in balloon diameters of 4, 6, and 8 mm and balloon lengths of 20, 30, and 40 mm.
Principais benefícios
- Efficient deflation: MaxPass offers quick deflation time with a unique compact shape when deflated.
- Better performance: The balloon contour has shorter tapered sections help ease placement and prevent the balloon from slipping during dilation.
- Increase visibility: Made of transparent material, MaxPass increases visibility through the balloon.
Suporte de produto
Minimum Channel Size: 2.8 mm
Balloon Diameters: 4, 6, 8 mm
Ballloon Lengths: 20, 30, 40 mm
Catheter: 6 Fr.
Catheter Length: 180 cm
Package: 1 per box, sterile
Use: Single use
Treinamento e uso correto da Olympus
A Olympus oferece uma série de oportunidades educacionais para profissionais da saúde médica e cirúrgica.
Programa de Educação Profissional
Nosso Programa de Educação Profissional oferece vários tipos de Programa de Educação Profissional para atender às necessidades educacionais específicas de médicos e enfermeiros focados no uso seguro e eficaz dos produtos Olympus.